Djandori Gung-i Superhybrid™ project
(formerly Flavian Superhybrid™ project)

In early May 2022, Sunshine Hydro launched our $2b ‘Flavian’ hydropower project near Miriam Vale within the Central Queensland Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).
Development applications are being prepared for the project, which will be developed at a location between Forestry Road and Blackman’s Gap Road, Colosseum, near Miriam Vale.
We will apply our world leading, innovative Superhybrid system, which efficiently selects the optimal energy inputs, outputs and storage to “keep the lights on.”
Please register to your interest to receive project updates.
Green, reliable energy
Our unique green energy ecosystem will provide highly reliable baseload renewable energy which does not rely on sun and wind, placing downward pressure on energy prices to generate cheaper renewable energy for consumers.
Flavian will generate reliable power to the grid, along with green hydrogen production, abating on average 4 million tonnes of carbon per year, equivalent to 2.5% of the Queensland’s current level of annual carbon emissions.

How it works
The Sunshine Hydro Superhybrid technique involves creating and connecting an upper and lower water storage, which are optimised by our AESOP™ technology.
To generate electricity, water is released from the higher storage to flow under gravity through underground hydroelectricity turbines to generate electricity.
This energy can be sent to the grid, power the production of green hydrogen, or other energy products needed to power our economy.
After the water’s release, it is collected in the lower reservoir, ready to pump to the higher reservoir with renewable energy sources to start the cycle again.
This is the green closed loop hydropower system in action.
Deep storage
When the water is positioned at the upper storage this is called deep energy storage.
This stored energy is ready to be delivered under gravity via the hydroelectricity turbines when needed.
Typically, the water is returned to the upper storage and is stored at night when electricity prices tend to be cheaper.
About AESOP technology
Sunshine Hydro’s proprietary technology AESOP, Advanced Energy storage Optimising Program, automates the pumped hydro system, deciding when to pump the water to the high reservoir, release water to the lower reservoir and what mix of the energy produced is provided to the grid or used to produce other energy project, such as hydrogen.
This technology ensures the most reliable and profitable generation of electricity or other energy products based on prevailing market and weather conditions.

About Sunshine Hydro
We are an emerging Australian renewable energy company, ready to apply world leading hydropower methodologies and technologies.
Our vision is to keep the lights on through the delivery of 100% renewable energy to power industry and energy networks 24/7. Our ability to store energy through pumped hydro systems helps ensure reliable energy when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.
We are focused on generating large-scale ‘firm’ (reliable) green baseload energy through our unique Superhybrid hydropower model.
This will help meet long-term demand for reliable energy as our economy and society seeks to decarbonise.
At Sunshine Hydro we have experienced project managers, engineers, energy experts, renewable energy specialists and commercial managers who are powering our project.
Over recent years we have invested in R&D, such as the AESOP software, and undertaken extensive research and site appraisal to be ready to progress our first project near Miriam Vale, Queensland.
We also have many prospective projects elsewhere in Australia and abroad.
See here for more information about Sunshine Hydro and our projects:
Next steps

Delivery through partnerships
We have valuable partnerships with Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG), and the traditional owners, the Gidarjil Development Corporation.
On 17 August 2022, we formalised this partnership with a cultural ceremony at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Sunshine Hydro, Gidarjil Development Corporation and BMRG.
The MoU recognises the commitment among all parties to optimise environmental, social, and economic benefits, including local employment and further recognition of our cultural values.
Through these strong partnerships, we will deliver one of the world’s most sustainable renewable energy projects, and extensive conservation and biodiversity outcomes across the site.
We will announce further partners and key suppliers as the project progresses.

Learn more
Sunshine Hydro is committed to inclusive engagement, and we will schedule meetings and events as our planning progresses.
This includes liaison and engagement with stakeholders within Miriam Vale and the surrounding district.
In mid-August, we held the first of our community information sessions in Miriam Vale.
These sessions were well attended, with discussions about pumped hydro technology, water sources and water security, access routes, visual amenity, environmental management, local employment and many other topics.
We will continue these discussions with the Miriam Vale community and residents near the site, providing more information as our planning progresses.
We encourage all interested community members and residents to register your interest with us to receive project updates.
We will continue to update this website as a point of reference for the community and local stakeholders.
The Flavian project, Sunshine Hydro and our project partners acknowledge the traditional owners of this land the Bailai (Byellee), Gooreng Gooreng, Gurang and Taribelang Bund people, who are the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate, and their continuing connection to land, water and community.
We pay our respects to them and their cultures and to Elders past, present and emerging.